Sunday, May 29, 2022


I think the repulsion to the common connotation of the word shameless
is not towards the absence of shame
but towards a knowing, willing incorrectness.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Thursday, May 26, 2022


images of success
he who controls
via money, influence, attraction, or force.
he who satisfies his desires,
who achieves, completes, reaches.
he who enjoys
the juice of the moment, pure.

all these assume success


I feel the unwillingness to let go of
the image I imagine others have of me
as someone who
does not make mistakes.


Like the brief flashes of blue
I sometimes catch with my fleeting eye
from my sunlit crystal prism
feel those clear flashes of insight
that I sheerly know are true.


The target of devotion
can himself become devoted
to his devotee's devotion,
and be unwilling to let go.

He may then veil his true image
from the devotee
to preserve the allure
to prevent him from
consuming his satisfaction
and falling out of devotion
of that sweet, dear devotion.

Thus attached to devotion
he creates a feedback cycle
that locks the flow of satisfaction
and holds it fast
until one side ventures
to peer deeper.

Sunday, May 22, 2022


We traverse the categories

child, adult
teacher, student
man, woman
friend, enemy
server, serviced
victor, victim
hurter, hurt
seeker, target
healthy, ill
aged, young
wise, foolish
able, unable
strong, frail
potent, weak
joyful, miserable
selfish, generous
lauded, outcast
arrogant, humble
social, lonely
hopeful, discouraged
devious, forthright
proud, ashamed
wealthy, poor
comfortable, desperate
active, passive
causer, effected
violent, peaceful
success, failure
fear, courage
pleasure, pain

through life
in order to be them all
as the one witness
in one continuous fabric
woven together by time and memory.
thus can we experience firsthand
how it all is the one

Thursday, May 5, 2022