Sunday, February 19, 2023

river now

In the depths of the consciousness
works and turns and shapes and projects the machinery
of energy upon energy through energy
that sprouts this river now.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Water Wheels

The cyclic flowing dramedy.
Hurt and wearied children raising
helpless tender children.
Water wheels upon water wheels within water wheels.

Not one of us controls the flow
yet only we create, guide, and change it.

Monday, February 13, 2023


Let us be notifiers, messengers, and listeners
instead of money collectors.

Sunday, February 12, 2023


Amidst clear morning blue
Fresh, crisp airs rinse my nostrils
Moon floats fast,
blazes oblivious
past nothing.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Blame Mirrors

Blame flung back and forth and around
acts as light in a hall of distorted mirrors.

No surface allows the light to co-rrectly see it,
instead covering, distorting, exaggerating, diminishing, or diverting
the light that touches it,
which prevents truth from being seen
as it is.

Both without and within
the skin.


Coerced persuasion and enticing lures
are perceived and abhorred
by an able mind.


No thing is complete, therefore true,
without its complement, the rest of the universe,
both of which have birthed, and continue to birth,
each other.

Sunday, February 5, 2023


Rush is not speed of action.
It is the pull forward of urgent anxiety
which slips consciousness off its traction
onto distraction
and submerges the chooser
in unconscious currents, vortices, and maelstroms
that cause him to flail in desperation
with unintended reactions.


No force in the universe
can offend [s]he
who knows h(im/er)self.

Likewise, each offense
provides a chance
to know oneself further.


A myriad tiny steps of change
each unstoppable moment
persisted by continuous inertia
guided by refining choice

Thursday, February 2, 2023


We ourselves have wrought
the invisible barriers around us
out of mistrust, neglect, and competition
that stifle the cries between us
of our longing for connection and meaning.


Thank yous and sorrys
Spit out in rushed reaction
Carry little to none
Of their original meaning.
Superstituted husks.