Friday, August 19, 2011

Conformist disease

People are scared to be amazed these days. They're afraid to show amazement at something, let the people around notice, and realize that what to him is a wonder, is to another a bore, not worth noticing, or that he could explain the wonder so obviously, or so condescendingly as to imply one's wonder as tedious, irksome, and to be considered ignorant or naive. A common fear today. A disease.

Wonder is looked down upon, while knowledge is revered. But they need not be mutually exclusive. The former stimulates the latter, and it is only too common for people to acquire some knowledge and then to stop wondering, satisfied that what they know is enough for their lives, and everything else is, as far as they are concerned, superfluous. They close their minds to wonder to be like others, to avoid the risk of condescension by others. To conform. Ugh.

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