Tuesday, April 12, 2022


I understand most people understand that "to believe" means
that one is certain that something is true,
even if one has not observed it directly.
A Faith that something is true,
a Must that something is true,
despite any evidence or arguments to the contrary,
often in conflict with arguments to the contrary.

I define it in a different way.
Be-Lieve, or Be-Live. To Live Beside,
To Live By.

Something to live by. Something that accompanies one in life.
Not a logical restriction that negates the complement.
Not a rejection of all claims to something else.
Not a dictum that pre-filters the paths I may choose.

But rather a companion in life.
An idea I trust to be helpful,
a principle that I trust guides my Life.
A reminder of the purpose I have chosen,
for the times I get lost in the daily maze,
for when pain and fear leave me grasping in the dark.

Not a banner I wave around me
to give me and display my colors
and tell me with whom to stand,
or how to live and to be.
But words written by my own hand,
with crisp ink on a treasured sheet of paper
I keep close to my heart.

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