Thursday, August 29, 2024

power plays

so often the power plays
the invisible aggressions that occur between people
demeaningly, often unconsciously,
but with true unconscious intent, that of a parasite sucking each other's blood, life energy
their types are many.

one of them: poking/probing the other's emotions, feelings, with a surprise, meant to startle the other with a realization that one knows more about the other than the other knew one knew, or assumes/infers something about the other that one knows the other will find startling/disturbing. An "invasion" of knowledge or opinion, so to speak, with the intent of joke or surprise. But actually with an unconscious intent of imposing one's own "superiority", with that knowledge of the other one has attained, or distorted, without the other's consent. Such imposition can leech the other's stability and confidence, which the attacker unconsciously sucks in for him/her-self.

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